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Cleopatra Feet

The good thing about doing spa treatments at home is you can easily mix speciality store spa products with items you find around your house. But amazingly, in this 3 stage spa treatment for your feet, the only recognisable spa product we use is a specialty foot moisturizer. But in a pinch, because this is a milk based treatment, you can even skip the specialty product and just use a simple generic body lotion. And yes, we did mean milk, as used by Cleopatra.

Thanks to science, we now know why milk is so good for our skin. The glycerin and proteins found in milk act to increase the elasticity of skin and naturally increases its moisture level. The lactic acid found in all milks exfoliates old dead skin, and reveals new skin underneath. Finally, the viscosity of milk means that these ingredients can all act faster on your skin. Its amazing that something we all have in our fridge can have such a dramatic effect on skin.

To keep this treatment good and natural, we are making our own exfoliating foot scrub. This is a really simple scrub to make but if you can't be bothered, just use one of the scrubs from the other feet treatments. Making your own spa treatments can help keep the cost down, but at Binary Spa, we keep all these things simple, using ingredients you will have around the house, rather than expecting people to accumulate expensive bottles of essential oils.

What you will need

Milk bottle

You will need about 2 cups of milk, with any fat content. The fattier, the better to increase the viscosity.

foot spa
Foot Spa

You don't really need one of these, but you may have one lying about. If you do, dust it off, and give it a try. Otherwise, just go for anything you can fit your feet in.

Homemade Exfoliating Foot Scrub

Cheap, and really easy to make

Hemp Foot Protector

This is a thick foot cream from The Body Shop with hemp oil and lanolin to soften the roughest of feet. However, if your feet are already in good condition, you can get away with using generic body lotion here

Per treatment, this costs about $1 if you use the Hemp foot protector, or cents if you don't, compared to around $40 in a day spa

How to do it

Start by making the homemade exfoliating foot scrub. This is made up of generic body lotion and sugar. You can vary the proportions to suit your feet: we suggest starting out with equal proportions of lotion to granulated sugar. You will need about 2 tablespoons of each, and mix it well to evenly distribute the sugar, and you will be left with a slightly sloppy white exfoliating scrub. This will give a gentle exfoliating action for your feet as the sugar granules scrub and slowly dissolve.

This is a three part treatment. The first part is a soak with the milk. Add about two cups of milk to the hot water in your foot spa (or big bowl). The warmth of the water will open up your pores, and increase the blood flow in your feet. As the pores open, the lactic acid, glycerin and milk proteins can get to work gently exfoliating your dead skin, and moisturizing the new skin underneath! Give the soak about 10 to 15 minutes to work.

After the soak, dry your feet and get ready for part 2: the exfoliating with your homemade foot scrub. Just gently work the scrub into your feet, paying special attention to the soles. You don't need to scrub hard, but then again, you do need to work it in. Just like working with the pumice stone, keep saying to yourself "smooth, don't remove". This stage should take about 3 to 5 minutes, and when you are done, pop your feet back in the foot spa, and remove any scrub thats left on your feet. The lotion is a little messy and does get a little sticky, but its straightforward to remove.

Finally, gently dry your feet and smooth on the hemp foot protector. It goes in very easily. However, as we said before, the milk moisturizes your feet anyway, and you may get away here with just using generic body lotion to moisturize. Either way, you'll be left with feet Cleopatra would be proud of.